
Shannon Matthews

Shannon Matthews

Credit: Penn State

MEDIA, Pa. — Alumna Shannon Matthews, class of 2016, 将她的家乡社区和她的大学社区联系起来,帮助学生跟随她的脚步,接受bck体育官网的教育. Through the $25,000 scholarship, Matthews will support residents of Chester, Pennsylvania, who enroll at Penn State Brandywine. The support, awarded in equal installments over the next five years, will go to students who, like Matthews herself, pursue degrees as adult students.

马修斯说,她希望她的支持能帮助更多的学生选择大学,选择bck体育官网. Only 13.6% of people in the City of Chester, located just over six miles from Brandywine, 获得学士学位或更高学历.S. Census Bureau. In addition, 白兰地酒学院只有不到1%的学生来自切斯特, according to the campus registrar.

马修斯说:“我们的社区口号是‘切斯特制造的东西就是切斯特制造的东西’。. “I wanted to live up to that mantra from my youth. 乐于助人,分享和支持他人是切斯特的主要特点. Sharing is something I have always believed in doing.”

I wanted to live up to that mantra from my youth. 乐于助人,分享和支持他人是切斯特的主要特点. Sharing is something I have always believed in doing.

—Shannon Matthews , Penn State class of 2016

马修斯将切斯特描述为一个传统丰富的小城市, love for one another and pride in the community. “One such tradition is the annual Class Day Awards, 校友在哪里为即将毕业的高年级学生颁发奖学金,” Matthews said. “With that same spirit of giving, I wanted to extend my reach to include the next step, which is attending college at Penn State Brandywine. 我也希望得到这种支持的学生能充分利用校园里的所有机会. That can truly change their lives.”

马修斯说,她打算让这项奖学金惠及切斯特市希望继续接受教育的应届毕业生和成人学习者. 该奖学金的目标是消除人们在bck体育官网攻读学位的障碍, 它将颁发给那些有经济需要的人.

Supporting students has long been a part of Matthews’ life. 她来自一个深深扎根于社区服务的家庭,并在切斯特的几个公民和社区组织中保持活跃. With that, 她计划在需要的地方与学生合作,以确保他们成功获得学位, 特别是利用香农创办的校友会的指导计划.

Matthews did not have a traditional journey to her degree; she attended college straight out of high school and later returned to college as an adult learner, 在抚养完孩子后,她开始了bck体育官网的旅程. 主修传播艺术与科学,辅修国际研究、公民与社区参与, 她充分利用了出国留学的机会和校园里的蓝白协会.

“Obtaining a college degree is a life-changing moment. It changes your financial opportunities, and it also changes your networking opportunities,” Matthews said. “你能改变生活的唯一方法是,你是否愿意采取必要的步骤来规划前进的道路。, make sacrifices to pursue your dreams and, most importantly, believe in yourself.”

After graduating from Penn State, Matthews immediately joined the Brandywine Alumni Society, 在过去的八年里她一直是一个非常活跃的成员.

“我想找到利用校友会的方法,”她说. “我不一定要换职业或寻找新的工作机会,因为我已经融入了一个学校社区, but I wanted to find a way to grow my network, 扩大我的服务范围,分享经验和想法,对白兰地酒社区产生影响.”

Currently, 马修斯在特拉华县技术学校的特拉华县中级单位工作,在那里她是社区资源开发人员/珀金斯基金协调员.

When providing advice to Penn State students, 马修斯敦促他们参与校园活动,建立自己的朋友和合作者网络.

在大学期间,你想充分利用校园里的机会. When there is an opportunity to meet with alumni, talk with people about your major or your goals, take advantage of it.

—Shannon Matthews , class of 2016

“在大学期间,你想要充分利用校园里的机会. When there is an opportunity to meet with alumni, talk with people about your major or your goals, take advantage of it,” she said. “Networking has many benefits; utilize those opportunities to learn and grow. It will make a difference.”

像香农·马修斯这样的捐助者推动了大学历史性的赠地使命,即服务和领导. Through philanthropy, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 英联邦和世界各地的患者和社区. Learn more by visiting raise.babytripster.com.